Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 13: Beside The Dying Fire

Despite of what happened to Rick groups in the episode 11 and episode 12, still the members of Rick don’t want to lose hope even two of their comrade killed and one of that comrade was Dale. But I think it was Carl fault because if he didn’t go to the forest and for not attempting to shot a walker who was stuck in the mad, Dale might not killed by the same walker who try to kill and eat Carl. But since that walker succeeded to get out on the mad, he follows Carl and it was on time that Dale is outside and he was attacked by walker and forcedly opened Dale’s stomach using walker hands which made to Rick and other members to do mercy killing on Dale because Hershel said that he can’t make to heal Dale. That was a dreadful happenings guys, and on this coming Sunday, another big episode from the last episode in the season 2 that we will experience again for the 13th times. So guys you should be assure that you could watch Season 2 Episode 13 of The Walking Dead online only at Seewalkingdead.com.

On this coming Sunday, this will be the last episode that we could experience and seen for the final and ending episode in season 2 of The Walking Dead. You should know guys that once you mess up to watch The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 13 by the time it will be broadcasted on TV, then you may log on to Seewalkingdead.com for you to be able to witness and see the finale episode of season 2 and watch The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 13 online without any survey or annoying things on your concentration in watching the last episode of The Walking Dead. For the last time guys, be sure that you will not forget this on Sunday the final episode.


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